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Crafting Fun for Kids of All Ages by Kim Uliana

Crafting Fun for Kids of All Ages by Kim Uliana

Regular price $16.99 USD
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200 entertaining, full-color, easy-to-assemble projects: glittery snowflakes and thumbprint ornaments during the holidays, straw hats and button sunflowers for summer vacation, personalized bookmarks for back-to-school, and more!. Let Kim Uliana guide you and your family through each project, giving step-by-step instructions even the youngest crafter will be able to follow. Projects are organized by materials to provide easy searching and shopping for children and adults. Learn how to turn everyday crafting materials into pieces of art with Crafting Fun for Kids of All Ages. Pipe cleaners will become dream catchers and tiaras; buttons will turn into necklaces and wind chimes; tissue paper will transform into princess hats and fire-breathing dragons. Project includes: - Glitter Mermaid - Masquerade Masks - Button Beehive - Clay & Pipe Cleaner Dinosaur - Clay Volcano - Pirate Eye Patch - Craft Stick Fire Truck - Cupcake Liner Bumblebee - Pipe Clean

[Skyhorse Publishing]

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